Pills of science

Stem cells

Stem cells have unique properties and special functions. How many type of stem cells do exist? What are their specific features? How are they used in basic and clinical research?

Stem cells

What are stem cells and what features do they have? What are the main differences between pluripotent and multipotent stem cells?

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Embryonic stem cells

What are embryonic stem cells and how do scientist grow them in culture in the lab? Explore main features of this type of cells and their primary applications both in basic and in clinical research.

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Tissue stem cells

Tissue stem cells (or adult stem cells) have different traits respect to embryonic stem cells. Learn how scientist analyse them in order to use this type of cells in clinical research, in regenerative and personalized medicine.

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Induced pluripotent stem cells

A very recent scientific discovery allowed scientists the possibility to generate pluripotent stem cells starting from differentiated cells. Explore this discovery and its potential applications.

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Cancer stem cells

What are cancer stem cells? How do they come from and how do scientists study them? Learn what we know so far about this particular type of cells and discover why they are so studied in molecular oncology nowadays.

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