
IICII Summer School in Quantitative Biology

September 09th- 20th, 2024 | IFOM, Milan - Italy

From 1D to 3D chromatin organization

Course description

-Second week module-

In this module we will introduce the students to key concepts of functional genomics data to analyze chromatin epigenetic regulation. The module will include an introduction to epigenomics profiles data analysis including: ATAC-seq data as well as ChIP-seq data for transcription factors and chromatin marks such as histone post-translational modifications. We will also introduce key concepts related to chromatin 3D architecture and its large-scale organization in compartments and topologically associating domains (TADs). We will guide the students through a basic analysis of chromatin 3D architecture data (Hi-C data).


Francesco Ferrari

IFOM ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology