University of Milan

Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics
a.y. 2022 - 2023


Employment opportunities

Master’s graduates will acquire a high level of technical knowledge within the fields of bioinformatics and basic and industrial research, as well as analytical skills normally required in Data Science. These skills may be applied in a variety of sectors, such as Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals.

Admission requirements

The programme caters to those with a second cycle degree (laurea magistrale) or long single cycle degree (laurea magistrale a ciclo unico) in one of the following classes of former Ministerial Decree 270/2004, or in one of the corresponding classes of former Ministerial Decree 509/99:

LM-6 Biology
LM-07 Biotecnologie Agrarie
LM-8 Industrial biotechnology
LM-9 Pharmaceutical, veterinary and medical biotechnologies
LM-13 Pharmacy and industrial pharmacy
LM-17 Fisica
LM-18 Informatica
LM-21 Ingegneria Biomedica
LM-29 Ingegneria Elettronica
LM-32 Ingegneria Informatica
LM-40 Matematica
LM-41 Medicine and surgery
LM-44 Modellistica Matematico-Fisica per l’Ingegneria
LM-54 Scienze Chimiche
LM-60 Scienze della Natura
LM-69 Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie

Selection process

Admission to the programme is through an interview aimed at ascertaining the candidate’s knowledge of English and of the topics addressed by the Master’s programme, and through CV assessment. Evaluation criteria:

  • Interview: 80%
  • CV assessment: 20% (the following will be considered: final degree examination mark up to 10 points; scientific publications up to 3 points; professional experience up to 2 points; max 5 point based on years elapsed from graduation year).

Candidates must score at least 60/100 for admission.

Programme organization

The programme entails lectures and other forms of training, such as computational tools, data analysis and applications, for a total of 512 hours. Lectures will take place for 3 days a week for a total or 6/8 hours a day.

Lectures and other form of training (Labs) will start March 15th, 2023 till the end of September, 2023. The traineeship will begin October 1st, 2023 and will end January 31st, 2024.

Both the class and traineeship require mandatory attendace.


The master will take place at IFOM c/o Fondazione Filarete, Viale Ortles, 22/4, 20139 Milano MI

Important Dates

24th February 2023
at 10:00 am
Selection Process
15th March 2023 The Master will start
31st January 2024 The Master will finish

Both selection and programme will be held at IFOM

For all the details please visit the official UniMi web site Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics of the master.

Or download the pdf


For more information, send an email to: master.bfg[@]